Saturday, 23 June 2012

Home Sweet Home

Today I've managed to pack my life into a car, and travel across the country to what I call home.
After living in what can only be called a student hovel the past year, it's some what refreshing to move back to somewhere warm, clean and not just white walls.

Due to having the smallest wardrobe available to mankind its a joy to see my clothes, looking slightly more homely within a wardrobe. Not on a clothes rail squashed like a jumble sale at Primark. 

I now have a mirror attached to the wall, not resting on a home built wall of shoe boxes.And my new prints I bought last week in London, along with some oldies hang on the wall.

The above are just some of the pleasures of home, but without a doubt give me a few weeks and I'll be craving student life all over again.


  1. I just love the colour of your walls! Wish I was brave enough to paint mine so brightly :D

    1. Thanks. You can't see it in these pictures, but the one wall is wallpapered in a black floral. Doesn't make it as bright plus makes the room a bit more interesting Thant a plain colour.
