Thursday, 5 January 2012

New Year, New Blog.

Its been a long time since I blogged, but the festive season and my busy social butterfly calendar got the best of me.

However, with it now being five days into the new year I have made some very simple resolutions:

  1. Keep my weight at a happy level, by using a food diary. Very Bridget Jones Esque.

  1. Continue blogging, however on a regular basis.

  1. Buy more clothes, shoes, bags that allow me to look more Olivia and Carrie than ever.

  1. Finally, make savings. Money for a rainy day is something I have never had

All these seem doable, I already have my yearly gym membership that if I go to at least three times a week I should stay at a happy weight and avoid the moaning about muffin tops, fat thighs and wobbly bits.

My blogging once I have a new laptop charger shouldn’t be to much of a problem, but lets just wait and see.

As for number 3, that is not a problem at all. I will quite happily do that all through the year, however it may affect number 4 slightly.

So a little late than never but Happy New Year!!

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